Home Forums New Member Introductions! New Member in South Eastern CT here!

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    Hello all,

    My name is Andrew and I live in South Eastern CT. I’m 26, work a standard 9-5 job, and I’m ready to make a difference in this world!

    I come from a middle to lower class family where all you know is that you work incredibly hard for the little amount of money you make till the day you die. I was accepted into every college that I applied to back in my high school years but because of the mindset my family had, I wasn’t allowed to attend any of them. Instead I had to start working to survive and that is what I’ve done ever since.

    Now I’m ready to change my story! I have a Beautiful wife, a house, and hopefully a baby on its way. I want to be able to have this mythical “financial freedom” that is talked about so often. If I’m going to bring a child into this world, I want to be a dad that they can be proud of and I want to be able to give them every opportunity that life throws in thier direction.

    I have access to about 20-30k to start this journey into the laundromat world. I realize that is almost nothing in comparison to what you need but it sounds like people have been successful with even less so I have faith. I’m interested in doing the coaching and if there is someone that already owns a laundromat in the area, please reach out to me. I would love a mentor to help me along in this journey.

    Thank you Jordan and your team for what you have put together in this amazing resource! Hope to hear from many of you soon.


    Andrew Hyland

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