Laundromat Courses
Crafted by experts with years of hands-on experience, our courses provide actionable insights, proven strategies, and a roadmap to profitability.

Unlock your laundromat potential with's free online courses.
Expertly curated and designed by industry professionals, these courses offer invaluable insights and best practices. Elevate your understanding and proficiency by enrolling today.
How to Buy Your First Laundromat
This free mini course will give you all the basic information you need to get started buying your first laundromat the right way the first time!
How to Build Your Own Laundromat Website
This course is for all of you DIYers out there who want to ensure you have a solid online presence for your laundromat with a simple great website.

90 Days to Your First Laundromat
Jordan Berry
This is a comprehensive course on how to analyze, value, and buy a laundromat the right way the first time. Included are the tools and resources you need to help you at each phase of the process.
This course consists of 11 modules and 38 lessons that will walk you through the 4 Pillars of Laundromat Due Diligence so you can purchase your laundromat confidently!