Home Forums New Member Introductions! Who Can Donate Bone Marrow For Sickle Cells BMT?


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    oli jones

      Bone Marrow Transplants (BMT) for Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), the ideal donor is a sibling who is a close genetic match (meaning they share a large portion of their DNA), as they are most likely to have compatible bone marrow; however, if a sibling isn’t a match, unrelated donors from a donor registry may also be considered depending on their HLA typing and compatibility with the patient.

      HLA-matched sibling:
      This means a brother or sister who shares the same parents and has a close match in their Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) type. HLA proteins are found on the surface of most cells and play a crucial role in the immune system.

      A close HLA match significantly reduces the risk of Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD), a serious complication where the donor’s immune system attacks the recipient’s tissues. Bone marrow transplants from HLA-matched siblings generally have higher success rates.

      Unrelated Donors:
      If a Matched Sibling is Unavailable. Bone marrow registries help match patients with unrelated volunteer donors. Finding a perfectly matched unrelated donor is challenging, but advancements in transplantation techniques have made it possible in some cases.

      Cord Blood:
      Umbilical cord blood from newborn babies can be used as a source of stem cells. Cord blood transplants may be an option when a matched sibling or unrelated donor is not available.

      Potential donors undergo rigorous medical evaluations to ensure their own health and suitability for donation. Bone marrow donation is a significant medical procedure with potential risks. Thorough informed consent is essential for both the donor and the recipient. It’s crucial to consult with a hematologist or a bone marrow transplant specialist for personalized guidance and information specific to your situation.

      Visit our official to know more:- https://www.edhacare.com/treatments/organ-transplant/bone-marrow

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